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Mostrando resultados de 385553
  • True / False. Urban growth | Recurso educativo 585056

    True / False. Urban growth

    EduBook Organización

    • 2394 visitas

    Are these sentences true or false? The cities grew quickly because of the arrival of migrants from Africa. In the cities, many medieval walls were knocked down to build new neighbourhoods. The…

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  • Answer. Skeleton and muscles | Recurso educativo 585337

    Answer. Skeleton and muscles

    EduBook Organización

    • 2396 visitas

    Answer the following questions: What are the functions of our skeleton? What is a joint? How many different types are there? What is a ligament? What is its function? Where do we have cartilage in our…

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  • Complete. Triangular structures | Recurso educativo 585477

    Complete. Triangular structures

    EduBook Organización

    • 2401 visitas

    Complete this text with the correct words: A triangular structure consists of a network of joined to form . The structure used in diagram 1 is . It is much more stable than the structure used in diagram…

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  • Self-assessment T10 03 - Machines and structures | Recurso educativo 585490

    Self-assessment T10 03 - Machines and structures

    EduBook Organización

    • 2395 visitas

    Match the definitions to the terms: A machine that converts another type of energy into electrical energy. A generator which uses magnetism to change kinetic energy into electrical energy. A machine…

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  • Investigate. Computer virus | Recurso educativo 585611

    Investigate. Computer virus

    EduBook Organización

    • 2398 visitas

    Have you ever heard of a "computer virus" or seen an "infected" computer? Computer viruses are small programs that are installed on our computer without our knowledge. Some can be very…

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  • Metalúrxicos, artesáns e comerciantes | Recurso educativo 586002

    Metalúrxicos, artesáns e comerciantes

    EduBook Organización

    • 2402 visitas

    A metalurxia A finais da Prehistoria, o ser humano aprendeu a utilizar un novo material para fabricar obxectos: o metal. Por iso, a derradeira etapa da Prehistoria coñécese como Idade dos Metais. O…

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  • Autoavaliación T5 06 - Os primeiros poboadores | Recurso educativo 586028

    Autoavaliación T5 06 - Os primeiros poboadores

    EduBook Organización

    • 2393 visitas

    Sinala as especies vexetais e animais segundo fosen domesticadas a inicios do Neolítico ou máis adiante: cabalo cabra maceira trigo porco coello can lentellas pataca

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  • Avaliación final - A época dos castelos | Recurso educativo 586208

    Avaliación final - A época dos castelos

    EduBook Organización

    • 2406 visitas

    No ano 711 un exército de musulmáns do Norte de África conquistou case toda a Península Ibérica, e creou Al-Andalus. De alí a pouco, no Norte da Península xurdiron uns pequenos reinos cristiáns…

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  • Os vexetais e a súa clasificación | Recurso educativo 586498

    Os vexetais e a súa clasificación

    EduBook Organización

    • 2403 visitas

    Características das plantas As principais características das plantas, ou vexetais, son as seguintes: Non se alimentan doutros organismos, como fan os animais, senón que fabrican o seu propio…

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  • O aparello reprodutor | Recurso educativo 586589

    O aparello reprodutor

    EduBook Organización

    • 2396 visitas

    O aparello reprodutor feminino O aparello reprodutor feminino ten dúas funcións importantes: fabricar óvulos, e protexer e alimentar o novo ser que se forma despois da fecundación. Os órganos que…

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