Transition and democracy in Spain (1975-2012)
Spain began the transition to democracy after Franco's death in 1975. At the end of Franco's rule sovereignty was returned to the people and a parliamentary monarchy established. Spain's first Constitution was passed by referendum in 1978. It called for a decentralised government, and declared Spain a state of autonomous communities. [...]
Esta secuencia contiene:
12 actividades
70 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
Spain began the transition to democracy after Franco's death in 1975. At the end of Franco's rule sovereignty was returned to the people and a parliamentary monarchy established. Spain's first Constitution was passed by referendum in 1978. [...]
1. The transition to democracy On 22nd November 1975, Juan Carlos I was crowned king of Spain and immediately expressed his interest in political change. [...]
Spain began the transition to democracy after Franco's death in 1975. At the end of Franco's rule sovereignty was returned to the people and a parliamentary monarchy established. Spain's first Constitution was passed by referendum in 1978. [...]
Spain's transition to democracy took place relatively quickly, as a result of a consensus between the different political parties. 1.1. [...]
2.1. The 1978 Constitution The Constitution was approved in Congress and the Senate and presented in the form of a referendum. The Spanish people voted it into law on 6th December 1978. [...]
In recent years, political power in the government of Spain has alternated between two parties: the Socialist Party and the Popular Party. 3.1. [...]
Parties and elections in democratic Spain - Transition and democracy in ...
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The Spanish political system is similar to other European countries, but with these distinguishing features: It is mainly a two-party system, accentuated by the system of distribution of MPs. [...]
4.1. Spain in the EEC Spain applied to join the European Economic Community (EEC) during Adolfo Suárez's term of office. EEC membership required a thorough economic, legislative and social restructuring of the country. [...]
5.1. Modernisation and economic growth Spain's economy under Franco had become weak and uncompetitive. The first democratic governments focused on introducing measures aimed at modernising the economy . [...]
6.1. Demographic changes In recent decades, Spain has experienced a significant drop in its birth rate (10.5 % in 2010), and Spaniards are tending to have children later in life. [...]
End-of-unit activities - Transition and democracy in Spain (1975-2012)
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- 3 recursos
Spain began the transition to democracy after Franco's death in 1975. At the end of Franco's rule sovereignty was returned to the people and a parliamentary monarchy established. Spain's first Constitution was passed by referendum in 1978. [...]
End-of-unit evaluation - Transition and democracy in Spain (1975-2012)
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- 20 recursos
Spain began the transition to democracy after Franco's death in 1975. At the end of Franco's rule sovereignty was returned to the people and a parliamentary monarchy established. Spain's first Constitution was passed by referendum in 1978. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
15 años:
- Historia
16 años:
- Historia
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Final evaluation T13 01 - Transition and democracy in Spain (1975-2012)
End-of-unit activities - Transition and democracy in Spain (1975-2012)
End-of-unit evaluation - Transition and democracy in Spain (1975-2012)
Before you start - Transition and democracy in Spain (1975-2012)
Introduction - Transition and democracy in Spain (1975-2012)
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